As mentioned before, you have to complete 2 classes from the "Science" Area to obtain an (A.A.), there are many classes to choose from, but only a few of them are required for Computer Science majors. All of the classes on this page include a lab portion. The "C" at the end of the course name means "Combined Class/Lab."

At both UCF and UF, the following 2 Physics classes are required:

(PHY-2048C) Physics with Calculus I. This is a class that ALL Engineering majors have to take, as well as Computer Science Majors. This class is hard, and it uses a lot of Calculus I topics to solve physics problems, so you must complete that class first before taking this one.

*Note: You have the option to take Calculus II and Physics w/ Calc I on the same semester or on separate semesters. Both classes are hard and time-consuming, so I do not recommend taking them on the same semester. If you decide to take them on the same semester, try to organize your time as efficiently as possible.

(PHY-2049C) Physics with Calculus II This class teaches everything related to physics and electricity. Before taking this class, you must complete BOTH Calculus II and Physics I.

*Note: You have the option to take Calculus III and Physics w/ Calc II on the same semester or on separate semesters. Once again, I do not recommend taking them on the same semester.

Both of those Physics classes are always taught in-person and mixed mode, but sometimes they are taught fully online. If you register in one fully online class, the lab portion of the class will also be done online through special software.

Biology or Chemistry... That is the question.

As seen on the lower-right side of the UCF Computer Science (B.S.) flowchart, there are two other science classes that must be completed. The options are clear and simple: Biology or Chemistry. In other words, choose two from the following:

(BSC-1010C) General Biology I.
(BSC-1011C) General Biology II.


(CHM-1045C) General Chemistry I.
(CHM-1046C) General Chemistry II.

There is not a lot to say about these classes, as they are not very "related" to Computer Science. A common question is "Which one should I take?" and there is no easy answer. Biology is a lot of theory, while Chemistry is a lot of theory and Math, so I recommend to choose whatever interests you.